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Community Impact
Our Passion
MOKA is committed to seeing families and communities thriving. Aside from our clean and sober living homes. Some of the things we have been honored to do is food distribution, outreaching to the displaced population.
Maui Relief Support
In coordination with Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) previously opened the Maui Relief Storage Facility, a coordinated donation management center to receive, sort and inventory donations collected for Maui residents impacted by the wildfires and store them until they are ready to be transported and received on Maui.
Previously located in Hakuone at Kaka‘ako Makai, the Maui Relief Storage Facility was set-up to receive donations from coordinated relief efforts/drives across O‘ahu. Mahalo to the businesses, community organizations, churches, schools, etc. who are collected and received large donations. The donations received at the facility, were sorted, inventoried, and stored until ready to be received on Maui and then transported.

Neighborhood Security Walk

Encouraging our men to be a part of the community is vitally important. Community safety is a priority for MOKA and we encourage our residents to join their neighborhood security watch groups as an active step to being a contributing member of their community.
Many of the Neighborhood Security Walk events that MOKA has been a part of have been organized by God Forgives Bad Boys and Bad Girls in partnership with our government officials, HPD, and families within their own communities for neighborhood safety.
"A neighborhood watch program is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together and in conjunction with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life."
Family Bible Study and support group
The purpose of the family bible study group is to foster spiritual growth, biblical literacy, and encourage a deeper connection with God and one another. These bible study times are powerful and a great support network for the men in the home. We also encourage graduates of our program to join our bible study groups.
Our family bible study group is resident initiated and voluntary for our house members to join. The group will gather together to read, discuss, and study the Bible. Open discussion, sharing of insights, interpretations, and personal reflections on the passages being studied are all aspects of this group.

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