We would like to mahalo everyone who partnered with us to support our people of Lahaina.
Donation Management Center Opens in Kakaʻako
In coordination with Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) previously opened the Maui Relief Storage Facility, a coordinated donation management center to receive, sort and inventory donations collected for Maui residents impacted by the wildfires and store them until they are ready to be transported and received on Maui.
Mahalo to the businesses, community organizations, churches, schools, etc. who are collected and received large donations. The donations received at the facility, were sorted, inventoried, and stored until ready to be received on Maui and then transported.
Facility Closed on December 15, 2023


Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement
Open to those directly and indirectly impacted by the wildfires in need.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10am – 2pm
170 E Kamehameha Ave Kahului, HI 96732
If you have questions, please contact CNHA at mauirelief@hawaiiancouncil.org